Prophecy Links
-I believe what John saw two thousand years ago is that happening with the four continents to nations of Asia, America, Japan and Russia, I witnessed in a block 2002, just fifteen years past. As so here as lately as early 2017, both forewarnings having lamented and I quote, "50 millions will die," and Apostle have plenty of prophetic reasons these thirty-one springs to believe tens of millions will perish along, US soil. Awake, Apb, The RAM, your is a Truexit, Escape!
And The Nations Were Angry, And Thy Wrath Is Come, And The Time Of The Dead,
-We Know any winners of the 2016 election would be a short lived administration seeing the atrocities one after another pending Us soil by October 2017, yes there should be exodus, yes, there will be exodus. Take Trump's decline, whose ever it's auctioneer as the one proof this ministry naming him from the beginning a Truexit as being totally legitimate. It's that equally explaining Jesus's Millennium following Obama's instead, deeming all the more Obama's time table.
-That as a finished tally not only marking Obama's coming to an end, but America, but Western Rule, such is the brand new, white, trimmed in gold intrepid auto as the Bride disappeared. Here began the final week, the last seven years not only of Daniel's people judgment, but of all world nations, just as king of kings of all nation building Nebuchadnezzar. How he did witnessed as a stone cast down from heaven, designed lately as the Antichrist murderer, crush all rebellious men to dust and wind, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, repent or perish; for the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish, beware, Apb, The RAM, see here,
Article... At least two people were killed and dozens of others injured Tuesday after suspected tornadoes tore through a mobile home park in Wisconsin and a subdivision in Oklahoma.
There were 26 reports of tornadoes Tuesday, according to the National Weather Service, as a massive severe storm system tore through an area from the South Plains of Texas to the Great Lakes. Article
-And I Heard In My Hearing, 2010, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, (America, Britain separate them into itty, bitty pieces, kill all parents by, finish all schools),
-And I Heard In My Hearing, 2017, "get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging righteous blood, (the wine press of God, just this outbreak of mortuary on the map), Apb
And I saw in a vision, 2017, like a word puzzle, the word now was bought to rest aside the word Judgment, like "Judgment Now! Beware, pray only, God's Will Be Done, Com Is Jesus' Millennium
Cancel Elections 2016, Pound Voting Boots Into Repentant Alters of Jesus Christ
-I don't know if you've noticed, although millions Us soil are predicted to die only months from now, these recent death tolls are kept at a medium. Undoubtedly these warnings, these various hiccups in comparison to the master disasters one after another that is actually come. I explained lately not only how I witness a vicious beast eating people as they sat their peace getting porches, meaning no peace and safety, how Holy Spirits forewarn as far back as Katrina, how those, all going about as though there isn't a judgment of God upon them, their treasures will suffer unnecessary.
-As I've forewarn these thirty-one springs, pound it all, lives. lands and churches, tithes, choirs and offerings into repentant alters and get ye to Jesus Christ. Believe Apostle these growing horrors are a manner of peace in awkwardness of the extinction level event now pending. So what has it profit, that you've gained America, that you cry daily Trump make America great again, that you've accomplished a temporal world going all the more chaotic, if you've as well lost your soul? If you don't have Jesus Christ as Lord over your heart, blood, pleasures, all set in heaven you perish not only in this deadly curse but the second death and hell to follow.
And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. See Revelation 6
Article... Planet X and Jesus, what do they have in common? As you will soon see there is a definite connection. Some think Planet X is a hoax and part of a wacko conspiracy theory. So first let’s consider what Dr. Robert Harrington (Chief Astronomer Of
US Naval Observatory) has to say about Planet X/Nibiru. Article,
-I believe what John saw two thousand years ago is that happening with the four continents to nations of Asia, America, Japan and Russia, I witnessed in a block 2002, just fifteen years past. As so here as lately as early 2017, both forewarnings having lamented and I quote, "50 millions will die," and Apostle have plenty of prophetic reasons these thirty-one springs to believe tens of millions will perish along, US soil. Awake, Apb, The RAM, your is a Truexit, Escape!
And The Nations Were Angry, And Thy Wrath Is Come, And The Time Of The Dead,
-We Know any winners of the 2016 election would be a short lived administration seeing the atrocities one after another pending Us soil by October 2017, yes there should be exodus, yes, there will be exodus. Take Trump's decline, whose ever it's auctioneer as the one proof this ministry naming him from the beginning a Truexit as being totally legitimate. It's that equally explaining Jesus's Millennium following Obama's instead, deeming all the more Obama's time table.
-That as a finished tally not only marking Obama's coming to an end, but America, but Western Rule, such is the brand new, white, trimmed in gold intrepid auto as the Bride disappeared. Here began the final week, the last seven years not only of Daniel's people judgment, but of all world nations, just as king of kings of all nation building Nebuchadnezzar. How he did witnessed as a stone cast down from heaven, designed lately as the Antichrist murderer, crush all rebellious men to dust and wind, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, repent or perish; for the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish, beware, Apb, The RAM, see here,
Article... At least two people were killed and dozens of others injured Tuesday after suspected tornadoes tore through a mobile home park in Wisconsin and a subdivision in Oklahoma.
There were 26 reports of tornadoes Tuesday, according to the National Weather Service, as a massive severe storm system tore through an area from the South Plains of Texas to the Great Lakes. Article
-And I Heard In My Hearing, 2010, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, (America, Britain separate them into itty, bitty pieces, kill all parents by, finish all schools),
-And I Heard In My Hearing, 2017, "get ye to repentant alters, God is avenging righteous blood, (the wine press of God, just this outbreak of mortuary on the map), Apb
And I saw in a vision, 2017, like a word puzzle, the word now was bought to rest aside the word Judgment, like "Judgment Now! Beware, pray only, God's Will Be Done, Com Is Jesus' Millennium
Cancel Elections 2016, Pound Voting Boots Into Repentant Alters of Jesus Christ
-I don't know if you've noticed, although millions Us soil are predicted to die only months from now, these recent death tolls are kept at a medium. Undoubtedly these warnings, these various hiccups in comparison to the master disasters one after another that is actually come. I explained lately not only how I witness a vicious beast eating people as they sat their peace getting porches, meaning no peace and safety, how Holy Spirits forewarn as far back as Katrina, how those, all going about as though there isn't a judgment of God upon them, their treasures will suffer unnecessary.
-As I've forewarn these thirty-one springs, pound it all, lives. lands and churches, tithes, choirs and offerings into repentant alters and get ye to Jesus Christ. Believe Apostle these growing horrors are a manner of peace in awkwardness of the extinction level event now pending. So what has it profit, that you've gained America, that you cry daily Trump make America great again, that you've accomplished a temporal world going all the more chaotic, if you've as well lost your soul? If you don't have Jesus Christ as Lord over your heart, blood, pleasures, all set in heaven you perish not only in this deadly curse but the second death and hell to follow.
And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. See Revelation 6
Article... Planet X and Jesus, what do they have in common? As you will soon see there is a definite connection. Some think Planet X is a hoax and part of a wacko conspiracy theory. So first let’s consider what Dr. Robert Harrington (Chief Astronomer Of
US Naval Observatory) has to say about Planet X/Nibiru. Article,
Jesus Appearing With Healing Wings, But Such Is Said Of The Niribru System, That They're One In the Same, Old Things, Rebellions Pasting Away, Apb,
See Rev. 17, One Hour With The Best, Chest Nations, Beware Of God's Wrath ...They're All Coming... ...They're All Coming...
-As I said, world enemy nations are beginning to realize they have one common enemy and it's not North Korea, only the one world system that has used nuclear material on human being. Those then having the nerves to call all others the axis of evil and have thus committed one holocaust after another, into a world of mitigating migration, with such weighty blood judged and sentenced December 2001 into October 2017..
-I believe what John saw two thousand years ago is that happening with the four continents to nations of Asia, America, Japan and Russia, I witnessed in a block 2002, just fifteen years past As so here lately as early 2017, both forewarnings having lamented and I quote, "50 millions will die," and Apostle have plenty of prophetic reasons these thirty-one springs to believe tens of millions will perish along, US soil. Awake, Apb, The RAM, your is a Truexit, Escape!
-I believe what John saw two thousand years ago is that happening with the four continents to nations of Asia, America, Japan and Russia, I witnessed in a block 2002, just fifteen years past As so here lately as early 2017, both forewarnings having lamented and I quote, "50 millions will die," and Apostle have plenty of prophetic reasons these thirty-one springs to believe tens of millions will perish along, US soil. Awake, Apb, The RAM, your is a Truexit, Escape!
Prophecy Link
-Seen to seeing a scientific equation of planetary anomaly on either side of Jesus' name, 1990, coming with the stars of heaven, isn't He, destroying the Antichrist with it's brightness. right?
-There's something about celebrities, especially Brad Pit, surely like most Americans being literally possessed into falsity, are they, are celebrities taking heed that God alone hath world reign? www.thelightofbeowulf2017.b...
-There's something about celebrities, especially Brad Pit, surely like most Americans being literally possessed into falsity, are they, are celebrities taking heed that God alone hath world reign? www.thelightofbeowulf2017.b...
And When The Seventh Angel Sounded, All The Nations Grew Angry, Behold The Final Jihad! www.theparableoftherest2016...
Commentor: I bet You Carry A Backpack
-Yeah, being an American with an E. L. E. pending, don't you? For especially five years now, crying aloud unspeakable desolations are come, US soil, Western Civilization, even God's wrath commanding that all, America, Canada and Britain be finished into itty, bitty pieces, that all parents die by, that all transgender schools be finished. Whatever happen, October 2017, suddenly finished America, Western Rule into a subtraction of 190 years, then is come a pale horse judgment into Antichrist rule, as so Jesus's Millennium.
-So when Jesus' Resurrection take me first, at least I would've left something behind besides the teaching of Christ's Cross that all repent or perish, pray, pray, pray. Well, repent, so you are as well found worthy to escape with Jesus! But if not here's one really juicy tip, don't take the damning mark, hell alone await them, beware, Apb, see entire blog here,
-So when Jesus' Resurrection take me first, at least I would've left something behind besides the teaching of Christ's Cross that all repent or perish, pray, pray, pray. Well, repent, so you are as well found worthy to escape with Jesus! But if not here's one really juicy tip, don't take the damning mark, hell alone await them, beware, Apb, see entire blog here,