Apostles Note: Know this also, America's come judgment isn't about her mistreatment of a sinful Israel, but her mistreatment of God's Righteousness which is Jesus, it's unrepentance! God's judgment targets America's unrepentance of Sins! It's Great Abominations, Beware!
And I Heard In My Hearing, "Get Ye To Repentant Alters, God Is Avenging Righteous Blood,"
The Come Three Days Of Darkness!
-I woke in a darkness lately as the end of 2016, that was more scary than the thought of spending eternity in hell and not reigning with Jesus. It had come suddenly like promised, and all I could think was I wasn't ready. all I kept saying, praying, pleading is that I wasn't ready. That after years of knowing this, preaching and believing this, I didn't have anything I needed, no candles, no oil, no batteries, nothing, it was ridiculous, it's literally unforgivable, that a believer is caught as unaware as unbelievers. Know this also, America's come judgment isn't about her mistreatment of a sinful Israel, but her mistreatment of God's Righteousness which is Jesus, it's unrepentance! God judgment targets America's Unrepentance of Sins! It's Great Abominations!
-As Jesus described us as the light of the world, we should be an example to everyone else, the watching world should be able to look to us for help. So a storm came through here lately, I lost electricity. meaning all modern technology for two nights, I like to say I didn't have to go out and do emergency shopping, but I did. Even when it was something I was forewarn to do like a day prior to the black out, stop being a procrastinator. If you still have financial means use a portion of these funds and get some of the things you need, especially like I warn in 2002, these grab bags, they're already packed with everything you're need when the worse happen. see here, https://www.infowarsstore.com, see also,
-Get them, put them into your auto's, surely as one prepper warn, you don't know where you gonna be when master disasters happen, how far away from home, even be careful about traveling. Every time you leave home could be your last and whatever you as a Saint leave behind will become a blessing to others, beware of that as well. These are as the evil days of Noah, world leaders are being targeted as the Pharaohs of Egypt into the ten plagues of Moses, it is happening as surely as the Apostle John saw, heard and record Revelation 17, just this a play by play end of nation building, see here as well, Dan. 9-12 chapters. .
-I've participated in a census taking, heard grim reapers being sent out to kill all parents, to as the days of Ezekiel have mercy on none old or young, So as the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, only worse, only double these horrors, so I don't care how foolish it seem to others, don' t be caught unprepared. You, your family alone will have to live with your decision, with it's costly, even deadly consequences, not them, awake, Apb, see more here, www.thesevenvials2016.blogs...
-As Jesus described us as the light of the world, we should be an example to everyone else, the watching world should be able to look to us for help. So a storm came through here lately, I lost electricity. meaning all modern technology for two nights, I like to say I didn't have to go out and do emergency shopping, but I did. Even when it was something I was forewarn to do like a day prior to the black out, stop being a procrastinator. If you still have financial means use a portion of these funds and get some of the things you need, especially like I warn in 2002, these grab bags, they're already packed with everything you're need when the worse happen. see here, https://www.infowarsstore.com, see also,
-Get them, put them into your auto's, surely as one prepper warn, you don't know where you gonna be when master disasters happen, how far away from home, even be careful about traveling. Every time you leave home could be your last and whatever you as a Saint leave behind will become a blessing to others, beware of that as well. These are as the evil days of Noah, world leaders are being targeted as the Pharaohs of Egypt into the ten plagues of Moses, it is happening as surely as the Apostle John saw, heard and record Revelation 17, just this a play by play end of nation building, see here as well, Dan. 9-12 chapters. .
-I've participated in a census taking, heard grim reapers being sent out to kill all parents, to as the days of Ezekiel have mercy on none old or young, So as the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, only worse, only double these horrors, so I don't care how foolish it seem to others, don' t be caught unprepared. You, your family alone will have to live with your decision, with it's costly, even deadly consequences, not them, awake, Apb, see more here, www.thesevenvials2016.blogs...
-Why Did God Curse King Nebuchadnezzar With Seven Years Of Madness and Reduced Him To The Mind Of A Wild Animal Lost In A Wilderness? One Clue, Rebellion, Trump's Is A Truexit, Escape!
And The Heavens Rolled Back Like A Scroll, The Apostle John, The Apostle Pat
-First I Todd I need you and all your readers to know, just as I told others, Trump visit to Israel and Arabia was to act as an Itinerary of distraction, nothing more. A fury rose into God's face concerning him, as his is the pending Administration I suggested be pounded into repentant alters, Jesus millennium hath come. If Americans supposedly fearless leaders aren't planning how to evacuate hundreds of millions of Americans being targeted God's wine press, this nation ending cataclysms that is upon them, then everything he, or they do, say or promise, is all vanity. just a reaching for the wind, as I heard it commanded 2004, that America, Britain were to separated into itty,bitty pieces, that Canada with leaders with damnable smiling faces, was to be wiped from the map, not one stone left upon another remember? See Daniel 2, Mat. 24, Rev. 11. ..see http://2016theissueofblackbowls.blogspot.com/2016/03/righteously-dividing-enemy-www_30.html
-Since your ministry began I've been seeing and predicting the end of America as it has been shown to me these thirty-one springs, like you I know, that's a long time, I then was young but now I'm old. The day of our Lord 05/15/2004, (for Daniel it was 534 bc), the Angel Gabriel appeared to me, and I can tell you, I wasn't pleased, I was offended that Elohim yet has to go to such degrees after thousands of years of prophetic ministry to get our attention. This is the same Gabriel, the Archangel Michael stood up against evil Princes in heaven, Grecia being one to bring Him, Daniel news of after a day of prayer come to 21 days, of what was to befall his people in the end days which all saints above and earth's territories know Todd has now come.
-What I remember him saying was, and I quote, "the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind," as so was there's something about "she's coming or going with the seventh angel," don't marvel as I did. It's Gabriel plainly verifying how Christ and the Bride are soon upon the celebration of the sounding of the seventh trumpet. One lamenting as Golden Crown are thrown down how 'the kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever.' It is at this time Jesus, the Bride, Michael and a host of heaven will return into this twilight upon this planet, the mount of Olives from which He first ascended, so this trumpet sounding will mark this very extraordinary event. I Todd cannot dare tell you all of what they've shown me and visited upon me and I them all these years, what I will share as it's the most important to verify undoubtedly the times we're in.
-Not too long past I awaken from a very physically overwhelming census taking, yes those recorded throughout biblical history right before huge death tolls. Those horrors believe Apostle which has come, tens of millions Us soil, only I wouldn't remember until a time later. That while sitting awake my bed, the lyrics "we exalt thee," playing in my head, to perform this divine census, the Lamb's book of life as recorded Rev. 20, had been open. Laid aware and this amazing roll call was being crafted right out of this unspeakable celebration, That every time one of it's identities was revealed, it would rise from this ancient scroll for all to see and float on away into heavenly places, now imagine sitting through millions of such blessed identities, the seventh angels indeed, Beware, for whosoever name wasn't found written in the Lambs Book Of Life, were tossed into a lake which burns with fire, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, even see here, www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com www,theark1986-2016.blogspot.com
I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate, get ye to
repentant alters, God is avenging martyred blood," thus the
finished word puzzled, warning, "Judgment Now!" (beware of
the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine),
Apb, www.persecutionblog.com
Did God Curse King Nebuchadnezzar With Seven Years Of Madness and
Reduced Him To The Mind Of A Wild Animal Lost In A Wilderness? One
Clue, Rebellion, Trump's Is A Truexit, Escape!And The Heavens Rolled Back Like A Scroll, The Apostle John, The Apostle Pat
-Like it or not, accept it, an end has come upon Us soil, and you're not to let Trump's fake Itinerary of visiting Arabia or the wailing wall, (not one stone left upon another, Jesus), none of which is going to help you as God's wine press fall upon Us soil. The first of which was to come in the manner of an Arab invasion, the second of which was to come in the form of an Asian invasion. As so the third of which was to be in the form an epidemic. possibly the beginning of the one Bill Gates is forewarning of.
-I know this, said outbreak the intrepid time table was in the form of a pale horse judgement affecting a quarter of the earth just after something like a Yellowstone super volcano of a catastrophe happen all while simultaneously the Bride was being taking out. It was doing such a demonstration of rapture, I witnessed those severely, otherwise distracted persons left stranded a white man's bed into transgender rest room brawls atop high, towering buildings, just mesmerized and bamboozled at a lost of being this abandoned by Jesus. Awake, let no man or itinerary deceive you, a cataclysmic end to all things rebellious men has come, Apb, The RAM
watch this and you'll notice something weird, Article,
I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear fate, get ye to
repentant alters, God is avenging martyred blood," thus the
finished word puzzled, warning, "Judgment Now!" (beware of
the wine press of God, see thou hurt not the oil and the wine),
Apb, www.persecutionblog.com
Did God Curse King Nebuchadnezzar With Seven Years Of Madness and
Reduced Him To The Mind Of A Wild Animal Lost In A Wilderness? One
Clue, Rebellion, Trump's Is A Truexit, Escape!
The Heavens Rolled Back Like A Scroll, His Blood Be Upon Us And Our
Children www.thephoenix1012.blogspot...
I began to watch this video, 06/04.2017, more and more this shock and
awe, not only did tears come into my eyes, I basically expected an
instant rapture and the sky like in the dream the Phoenix to
literally fall down upon mankind. Talking about making a mockery of
the Genesis man into laughing in Jesus' face as He lament, "I
will kill your children with death." I watch something this
abominable and no longer do I have to wonder why are all parents
being commanded to be killed by, why are all schools demanded to be
ended, with an E.L.E. pending only months from now.
why did I just take part in a census taking, that always biblically,
prophetically proceeds incalculable death tolls especially involving
children, how am i yet here writing this, commenting, surely the sky
is falling? This is why especially the whoring, fornicating LGBTQ and
P for pedophile from Noah's day until now is counted as the genocidal
mutation of the Genesis man. why it was proven by a word puzzle only
days ago, God's Judgement is right now! Listen closely hopefully you
can hear Elohim's Revelations these thousands of years and I quote,
"come out of her my people, that you be not part takers of her
you receive not of her plagues." Ah my Christ is Jesus,
hallelujah, only a few minutes into this video as I said, I expected
an instant rapture and the sky to fall down upon millions and
millions of those unrepentant. Undoubtedly, call a solemn assembly,
sanctify a fast, sleep at repentant alters indeed. Satanic parents
and demon-wolves posing as educators are God's Wine Press forbid,
leading human kind's next generation, beware, Apb The RAM, as you
love anyone on this planet, (God/Jesus/Genesis), is the only True
Love affair, share, see more here, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com
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