Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Temporal Shelter The World Is

Alex Jones Food Store

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

    Je’suis Jesus Christ, “I was amazed when I was given the bag which had a Bible,” shared 14-year-old Timothy M. in a thank you letter to The Voice of the Martyrs. Timothy received one of the more than 30,000 Christmas Care Packs sent last year to children in hostile and restricted nations.

One of the favorite items included in the pack were Action Bibles. The children loved getting a Bible of their very own. Timothy said he liked that the Action Bible has “simple grammatical sentences accompanied by cool pictures which makes the Bible more and more interesting and fast to read.”

     The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, See Cain

     The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise, see Ps. 51, see Abel

Prophecy Link

-There’s something about Ezekiel the 4th chapter, like the second seal, coming is a great seizure by the enemy and a great scarcity of all things needful and treasured, still labor not for the meat that perisheth 03/25/2006 (for 390 days, see also the Intrepid Dream timetable, until 190 months, 2001-2017, the end of the church age, America minus 190 years, the Free World is doomed).

The Herding Canadians

     -I’m sharing this again because I know America unto westernized civilization on Christmas night 2001 by a dream, a prophecy called the Intrepid Dream Timetable suffered an EMP style attack, that went into prediction for 190 months since, 2001-2017, meaning it can happen any day now. Also meaning not only lights out, but the end of what for especially the last nearly 200 years has been for the world abroad, this American Dream. That's a world base, meaning temporal but the most innovative stay over in which people having replace their faith of Christ along a disillusioned Satan to man induced seeming earthly paradise. 
     -This Mystery Babylon who like it’s parent phenomenon has not only by dispensation ending, as so that of the Church Age Bride ascension, though also by a judgment of God. That's for days without number crying, their sins hath reached unto Him, and He hath remembered their iniquities punished them accordingly, spinning us all into what can only be the final era of the human being, Christ Jesus Millennium. Necessarily, such a time of deletion, claiming the lives of millions of the unrepentant, especially on US soil hath surely come, if, as you love, share, read more here, www.theissueofblackbowls2016.blogspot.com, read more here, www.theintrepiddream2001.blogspot.com    
     -The Intrepid Dream began while still in the most innovative times mankind has ever seen. (and knowledge, WMD’s, shall increase, Jesus),  with said credit given, no not to God, but that’s alright, seeing all that’s in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, again none of which is of God, thus Christ’s Cross. Then suddenly without warning, like in the blink of an eye, it’s for the last nearly 200 years gone, like the Intrepid Adventure stops right here, and soon, the judgment by a weigh scale ensues.   

     -Though first, what meaning this automobile? The year 2001, marks the time of said judgment now gone into prediction, Intrepid, present the falseness of it, having forsaken God,  further, it being white and trimmed in gold. While it’s to mean everything, that all alone, that even while mankind worship Satan, they do it under the cover, under the banner of God’s won by Christ’s Cross, Grace, but no more. Gone not only is this style of unmerited favor, by taking the Bride out, is too prove how never before, even since Noah’s earth has God’s wrath been this direct regarding the destruction of the rebellious.    
     -That as in the days of the Prophet Jeremiah, and 40 years of forewarning, 30 for this Apostle, unto the Prophet Ezekiel, and Ezekiel witnessing His glory depart the Temple, having seen for the last thirty years various demonstrations of the great gathering of saints, is yet an even greater manner of witnessing God’s Glory again abandon the apostate temple world wide and reading all things as forewarn of the Angel Gabriel 2004, fulfillment of it all beginning at us, well, westernized civilization. Meaning again, when the fullness of the 190 months/years are finished, see Ezekiel 4, 7 and 8th chapters especially, God, Elohim, being the same today, yesterday and forever, and as promised, not one prophecy returning void to Him. What will immense when the 190 months is done is as I described a cataclysmic events powerful enough to in only seconds set America, the West, this proposed free world back for nearly two hundred years and what happen then?                                   
     -A pale horse type judgment, soon to be realized, as is forewarn in Revelation, not only death, but hell it’s companion, thus targeted are those unrepentant, all with other alike master disasters following, meaning what hath begun would never again end, right into a prophesied for thousands of years Islamic, to an antichrist, reign, that can then only be followed by Christ Jesus’ Millennium, the only reason Satan’s Seat now reign wherever, and whenever mankind assemble, religiously, politically, unto Tutelage, militarily, financially, etc., for wherever man is gathered together, there is then envy and strife.                                                                                                                        
     -There is then confusion and every evil work, there is the greatest threat of babel, and Satan thrive on its rebellion, making America, The Free, nothing but a predatory lending of holocaust set to continue per each presidential election. Such stalk revelations will then explain my most recent dreams, Americans patiently standing at the water cooler of s homeless shelter, (which the entire world without Christ is), all awaiting their turn, until a woman with black bowls (see the seven vials of Rev. 16th chapter), for filling approaches, even bearing business cards per better homeless shelters, the conversation we, well the Tribulation Saints and her are having.                                                       
     -Certainly, it is not that people don't have hope for the future, but have for centuries placed hope into what can no longer produced a human controlled future, this present earth. Isn't it all for which Jesus taught us to pray, God's Kingdom come, God's will be done on earth as in heaven, again the victims of 911 primary prayer?
     -There is only one good death to die once you're born to this planet, and that is the getting of an immortal life for believing mankind, by God, Elohim Himself, per the woman seed setting all those captived from the womb free. What indeed shall it or has it, or even will it profit, that we, mankind has gained the American Dream, but lost everything? As is Holy Scripture, yet this simple, things seen temporal, things not see, like Christ's Cross, eternal, awake, be as aware as God. Himself, Apb, The RAM, www.2016theauthenticparable.blogspot.com www.2016donottakethemark.blogspot.com  

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Destroying Those Who Destroy The Earth

As Unstoppable as the fulfillment of end time prophecy! See Rev. 11:1, 2

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

The Sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to God, Prob. 21:27, See Cain

The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise,
see Ps. 51, see Abel

Prophecy Link

-There’s something about Ezekiel the 4th chapter, like the second seal, coming is a great seizure by the enemy and a great scarcity of all things needful and treasured, still labor not for the meat that perisheth 03/25/2006 (for 390 days, see also the Intrepid Dream timetable, until 190 months, 2001-2017, the end of the church age, America minus 190 years, the Free World is doomed).

And Destroy Those Who Destroy The earth

     -Yeah, and Sam Cooke song, lonely tear drop played in my head last night, so pretty, but it's meaning so, so sad, the crying behind a silence in heaven, Elohim, see here, www.lonelyteardrop15.blogspot.com. No, no, no, I saw it, America, the West set back for nearly 200 years, unto a beige (pale) horse judgment and an Islamic reign, Dec. 25th 2001-Oct.10th 2017, 190 months, means a minus of 190 rebellious years, see Eze. 4 .
     -Ah, when I researched the two primary years in my prophecies, 1986, 2011, lately, both regarding the first resurrection (rapture), they were both regarding times of two nuclear plant disasters, that of Chernobyl Russia and Fukushima, Japan; Chenobyl was doing the exact month and year of Christ's demonstrated appearing, spring 1986.
     -I also explained, doing the last demonstration of this staggering event, that as we, the Righteous Bride, ascended, I witness from heaven among other things, a nuclear bomb or two falling toward the earth. This is all indicative of God targeting those who are to destroy the Damater, it too is a transgression against Him, even the Genesis. P.S. see God's weapons of destruction toward Jeremiah/Ezekiel's Judah, the Babylonians/ Chaldeans, beware of this, be as aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, read more here, see Jer. 37:8, 1998, Joel 2, www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com, www.2016theissueofblackbowls.blogspot.com